Each part of your entire financial picture relies to some degree on the other parts. Our holistic approach integrates them all – from investments, estate planning, budgeting, insurance and taxes to your relationships, interests and aspirations. The success of this integration relies on a process, not on any financial product. Here’s how we do it.

Great Oak Capital Partners’ Financial Planning Process

At Great Oak Capital Partners, we understand that your financial landscape is a complex ecosystem, interconnected in ways that affect every facet of your life. This realization is at the heart of our holistic approach to financial planning, which aims to integrate all parts of your financial picture—investments, estate planning, budgeting, insurance, taxes, and beyond. We believe that the success of this integration is anchored not in fleeting financial products but in a robust financial planning process. Here’s a detailed look at how we embody this philosophy to steer you toward financial success.


Our Process Driven Approach


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    We ask the right questions

    Questions such as “Where will the market be in a year?” and “What will the Fed do with interest rates?” are unanswerable, and will only add confusion. We focus on what will help you succeed, such as “How should I invest during retirement?” and “How much risk is appropriate for my situation?”

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    We gather & analyze your information

    Your financial picture is more than just a series of numbers and account balances. We make sure we understand your goals, values, experiences, relationships and interests.

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    We create
    a plan

    While a sound investment strategy is crucial to success, financial planning underpins every investment decision, and any other financial decision. Your plan coordinates all of your concerns and their solutions.

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    We implement
    your plan

    Our fierce independence and fiduciary duty give you confidence that our recommendations are always in your best interest. Our fee-only structure eliminates any conflicts of interest in choosing solutions.

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    We make sure you stay on track

    Down markets breed fear; up markets create greed. Either way, emotions often lead to bad investor behavior. Through planning, education and objectivity, we provide the discipline necessary to avoid costly emotional mistakes.

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    We reevaluate and adjust as necessary

    As your goals and circumstances evolve over time, so should your plan. Periodic reviews ensure that any changes in your life are accounted for and reflected in your plan.