The Cost of Being Human Why do we so often buy high (the internet bubble of 2000) and sell low (2008-2009), when doing just the opposite is the only way to succeed? Why do so many of us make so many bad investment decisions? Because we’re programmed to. Our genetic code is our enemy when we make investment decisions. The behaviors and biases that hurt our portfolios are innate. We’re simply born this way. After all, would we ever logically and willfully make an investment decision that loses money? Of course not. Here’s a brief description of some of the …
Your Taxes May Be Changing
A Quick Analysis of the Proposed Tax Brackets The proposed tax legislation is broad in scope. But the most popular component is the change in income tax brackets, and what that may mean for all of us. So far, all that we’ve read simply lists the new brackets. We thought doing a little math, too, might be helpful. The charts below compare outcomes based on income after deductions, and before any credits or additional taxes. Their purpose is simply to compare current brackets with the proposed brackets. Of course, we’ll keep you updated, as none of this is yet etched in …