You Want The Truth? Here It Is

John Noonan Uncategorized

We’ll just say it. Most financial advisors – or brokers, or agents, or wealth managers, or whatever they call themselves – are either crooks, incompetent, or both. After over thirty combined years of doing this, we’ve seen it all, from advisors who don’t understand basic investment theory, to outright fraud. Luckily, there are very few Bernie Madoffs. The majority of offenses are subtle, usually go unnoticed by the client, and are detrimental over the long term – when it becomes too late to fix it. And the subtlety extends to both incompetence and crookedness. If we all gathered around the …

A Lesson in Objectivity

John Noonan Uncategorized

Imagine your doctor tells you that she won’t prescribe the best medicine that exists for your illness, as the company which produces the medicine refuses to kick her back a few dollars for writing the prescription. Rather, she prescribes a pill that doesn’t work nearly as well, but for which she’ll receive a kickback. Whether you live or die, well… While you certainly wouldn’t accept this scenario, millions of people are hurt, unknowingly, by the same problem with their investments. Kickbacks in investment products, euphemistically known as “revenue sharing”, are a major obstacle between an investor and the best investment …

What Makes Good Investing? It’s Not What You Think

John Noonan Uncategorized

All else being equal, someone new to investing would likely think that the smarter you are, the more success you would have in investing. The ability to gather, extrapolate, analyze, vet and measure information and data better than the next person certainly gives you a demonstrable edge that manifests in better investments returns. Right? The Wall Street Journal recently highlighted a hedge fund manager who once managed the investments for Harvard University’s multi-billion dollar endowment. Some of the smartest people in the world, working at Harvard, chose one of the smartest investors in the world, Jack Meyer, to manage the …

An Article Worth Reading

John Noonan Uncategorized

Data is the backbone of the “Evidence Based” investment approach, to which we fully subscribe. In its raw form, data is tedious and not much fun to read about. But the Wall Street Journal recently produced an article summarizing an important study in which the data ends the debate between our investment approach versus its antithesis, the “Wall Street” approach (i.e. based on making predictions and timing the market). After all, data is evidence. Regarding our investment approach, if the evidence said otherwise, we would do otherwise. But the evidence says that costs matter, making predictions doesn’t work, and it’s …