Scam Alert

John Noonan Uncategorized

A client just got this email (the circles are ours, of course): It is not from Charles Schwab. Nor has Charles Schwab been hacked. Scammers target companies like Schwab due to their ubiquity. Think Apple, Amazon, FedEx…they are all so big and so widely used that scammers just hope you use these companies and believe the email is real. The signs of a scam are typically glaring, and are so here. The email address is clearly not Schwab. They say the same thing twice in a row at the bottom. And the grammar and capitalization in the middle is worse …

Frequently “Oaked” Questions: Nvidia

John Noonan Uncategorized

You Asked, So We’ll Answer   FOQ: What’s going on with Nvidia? It’s all you hear about these days. Short: Nothing of consequence Long: It’s a tech stock that’s fresh off a stock split and a wild ride in value that made it the biggest public company on the planet (until Microsoft took back the crown). Here’s the last 20 months: FOQ: Is a stock split good? Short: Doesn’t matter Long: A stock split is done to increase liquidity. In this case, each stockholder received 10 shares for every 1 they owned. Consequently, the price was also adjusted by the …

“You’re So Random!”

John Noonan Uncategorized

John’s little cousin would say that to him quite a bit. He’s still not sure what it means after all these years. Hopefully it’s good. He’s too old to know. You know what else is old? The market. It’s been around longer than anyone reading this. Since its birth it’s been the definition of random – or in other words, patternless. Look at the last forty-five years below. The dots are yearly returns of the market. The lines are the high and low points in that year. Now try to find a pattern. (But don’t try for too long, because …

Patience in Investing: 2024 Update

John Noonan Uncategorized

Well, that was no fun. But you made it! You are now on the other side of 23 months of no new highs, the second longest streak since ‘97. It started at the high on 1/4/22, bottomed out on 9/30/22, and now here we are after a furious 38% run up in global equities from there. By the time we hit that bottom, how often did you hear “this time is different”? Ah, the most dangerous words in investing! Not because they were ever right, but because they have always been wrong. How many dollars were taken out of the …