Why Your Neighbor Is Selling

John Noonan Uncategorized

The market is down big this year. It’s no fun. When we’re in the middle of it, it feels like there’s no end. And then…we do something! Anything!! Selling something is usually involved. And we just can’t help ourselves, no matter what logic or the evidence may tell us. Because we’re programmed to do it. Thanks to evolution, we are bad investors – whether the market is down or up. Maybe even more so when it’s up! (Bitcoin at $68,000 anyone?) Sure, our instincts to avoid danger, to find safety in numbers, have served us well as a species in …

Can You Wait?

John Noonan Uncategorized

For the final season of Stranger Things, no! We want it now. How about for this gloomy market to end? You absolutely can wait for that. There’s no need to worry. To understand why, let’s look at who probably cannot wait. Those who: market time, have money in individual stocks, chase trends like bitcoin, sell and go to cash. None of those strategies can rely on time to produce a successful investing experience. They all are just as likely to lock in losses as they are to recover, no matter how long one waits. It’s gambling, but without the free …

The Sky Is Falling! – Special “FOQ” Edition

John Noonan Uncategorized

You Asked, So We’ll Answer   FOQ: (During a meeting…) Everything’s down – did you just say that’s good? Short: Yup. Long: Well, without down markets, we would not have much of an up market over the long run. Stocks have averaged about 10% forever. And that’s more than cash, bonds, commodities, CDs, gold and other metals, annuities, currencies, collectibles, and just about anything else. But for that long-term reward, we must absolutely experience some short-term suffering – that is, the manifestation of risk. Reward and risk are inextricably related. Anything said to the contrary is either a sales pitch …